Голоса Book I Урок 1 Expand Grammatical gender Урок 2 Expand Grammatical gender Nominative plural of nouns 5-letter spelling rule 7-letter spelling rule Whose and possessives: чей? Nominative: Adjective agreement этот/эта/это/эти; это У меня есть... Урок 3 Expand Conjugating verbs: e/ё conjugation Conjugating verbs: и-conjugation Conjugating verbs: past Prepositional: nouns Prepositional: modifiers Урок 4 Expand 8-letter spelling rule учиться, изучать, учить, заниматься Expressing location: на + prepositional Accusative: nouns Accusative: modifiers Prepositional: question words, pronouns Урок 5 Expand Days of the week Times of the day Time on the hour идти ехать ходить Short adjectives должен, свободен Урок 6 Expand хотеть стоять, лежать, висеть Nouns in the genitive Modifiers in the genitive Есть – ownership and possession Non-existence and absence Expressing quantity with the genitive Урок 7 Expand Expressing Age with Dative Pronouns Genitive plural nouns (4 videos) Genitive plural modifiers Accusative plural Specifying Quantity Урок 8 Expand Possession in the Past ходил vs. пошёл ездил vs. поехал Dative case of nouns Dative case of modifiers Indirect objects in the dative Subjectless expressions Урок 9 Expand есть – to eat Instrumental case with с Verbs in -овать Future of быть Imperfective Future Introduction to Verbal Aspect Урок 10 Expand Years – в каком году? Aspect in the past