The New Penguin Russian Course Click below for links to lessons corresponding to the chapters of your textbook. Урок 1 Expand The basics of the alphabet are covered in The Sounds of Russian, available as an enhanced ebook from Apple Books. Урок 2 Expand Hard vs. Soft Consonants Reduction of Unstressed Vowels Voicing and Devoicing of Consonants Урок 3 Expand This/that: это Урок 4 Expand Verbs type I: знать Verbs type II: говорить Verbs type 1b: ехать, жить Prepositional case: nouns Урок 5 Expand Prepositional case Prepositional nouns in -у в, на Урок 6 Expand Introduction to the Accusative Animate Masculine Nouns Going on foot: идти Урок 7 Expand Adjective endings: nominative Soft adjectives (2:06) Третий and possessive adjectives Prepositional case: adjectives & modifiers Accusative case: adjectives Урок 8 Expand Nominative plural of nouns Spelling rule #1 (7-letter rule) Nominative plural of adjectives & modifiers (4:23) Есть for availability, existence Spelling rule #2 (5-letter rule) Урок 9 Expand Basic forms of один Hundreds Genitive singular: nouns Genitive: expressing quantities Genitive: after два/две, три, четыре Genitive: expressing possession Genitive with нет: expressing absence, non-existence Genitive plural: types I, II, III; other forms Genitive plural after пять through двадцать Урок 10 Expand Genitive: expressing possession, ownership Genitive: expressing absence, non-existence Genitive singular adjectives Genitive plural adjectives Accusative plural: animates Adjectives after два/две, три, четыре Урок 11 Expand Talking about the past: verbs Есть and нет in the past Verbs in -чь in the past (1:52) Reflexive verbs Урок 12 Expand Introduction to verbal aspect Future of perfective verbs Forms of imperfective/perfective pairs Хотеть: conjugation Dative case: pronouns Дать: conjugation Нравиться: 'to please' Dative case: nouns Dative case: adjectives & modifiers Prepositional case: plurals (2:56) Урок 13 Expand Aspect in the past Aspect in the infinitive Whether: ли Урок 14 Expand The future of быть Imperfective future Dative in impersonal constructions Урок 15 Expand Imperatives: vowel stems Imperatives: consonant stems Imperatives: ending in -ь(те) Aspect in the imperative First person imperatives Third person imperatives Урок 16 Expand Instrumental case: nouns Instrumental case: adjectives Instrumental case: expressing "with" Instrumental case: time, manner Instrumental case: verbs Declension of surnames (-ин/-ын, -ов/-ев/-ёв) Урок 17 Expand Days of the week Time of day Ordinal numbers Clock time: first half hour Clock time: second half hour Clock time: on the hour Months Years Numbers in the genitive: с двух до пяти Expressing age Урок 18 Expand Comparatives in -ее, -е Comparatives: expressing "than" Comparatives with более Лучше, лучший Хуже, худший Больше/больший, меньше/меньший Superlatives Который кто, что after тот, весь Урок 19 Expand Conditional mood должен + infinitive Урок 20 Expand Unprefixed verbs of motion (13 lessons) Prefixed verbs of motion (13 lessons) Урок 21 Expand свой себя 21.8: чтобы: "someone wants someone to do something" Урок 22 Expand Declension of numbers (7 lessons) оба/обе Declension of quantity words Accusative of numbers with animate nouns Collective numerals Урок 23 Expand Expressing time: days of the week months seasons, times of day 23.4, 23.5: Prepositions and time expressions После with verbs Урок 24 Expand 24.6: Nothing, nobody, never 24.8: Некого, нечего Урок 25 Expand Diminutives Урок 26 Expand Indefinite expressions: -то, -нибудь Indefinite expressions: кое- Word order Урок 27 Expand Past passive participles Present passive participles Урок 28 Expand Imperfective verbal adverbs Perfective verbal adverbs Урок 29 Expand Present active participles Past active participles Short-form adjectives