Beginner’s Russian Check the listings below to see which sections of Beginner's Russian correspond to video lessons on this site. Глава 1 Expand Hard and soft consonants Vowel reduction: о, а; е, я Grammatical gender Глава 2 Expand More on hard and soft signs Nominative plurals Possessives 1st, 2nd, 3rd p. singular of verbs Глава 3 Expand Prepositional case: singular nouns Nominative case: adjectives Present tense of verbs Глава 4 Expand Days of the week Accusative singular: nouns, adjectives Vowel reduction: unstressed е Глава 5 Expand Voiced and voiceless consonants Answering the question куда? The demonstrative этот, эта, это, эти Nominative plural: nouns and adjectives Accusative plural: inanimates (first 40 seconds) Глава 6 Expand Expressing possession with у Past tense of verbs этот/эта/это/эти vs. это Глава 7 Expand Genitive and negation Genitive for possession Counting things: 1, 2-4 Глава 8 Expand Prepositional case: adjectives Глава 9 Expand Introduction to verbal aspect Final devoicing Глава 10 Expand Walking vs. riding/driving: идти vs. ехать, ходить vs. ездить Future of imperfective verbs Future of perfective verbs Глава 11 Expand Unstressed я Genitive singular: adjectives Accusative singular: animate nouns Personal pronouns in the accusative Глава 12 Expand Pronunciation of numerals Years Personal pronouns in the prepositional Глава 13 Expand Dative case: nouns Dative case: adjectives Глава 14 Expand Dative case: impersonal expressions Expressing possibility, prohibition, necessity Глава 15 Expand "To" and "from" with people По- with verbs of motion При- with verbs of motion Глава 16 Expand Time by the clock "To" and "from" with people, places Глава 17 Expand -овать/-евать verbs Instrumental case: nouns, adjectives свой Глава 18 Expand Genitive plural: masculine nouns Genitive case with numbers Genitive plural: adjectives Глава 19 Expand Genitive plural: feminine and neuter nouns Accusative plural with animate nouns Глава 20 Expand Prepositional case: nouns and adjectives Глава 21 Expand Using по-, при-, у- with verbs of motion More about verbs of motion: unidirectional vs multidirectional motion; летать - лететь Глава 22 Expand Genitive: absence, lack of something (past, future) Dative plural: nouns and adjectives Imperatives Глава 23 Expand Months and dates Instrumental plural: nouns and adjectives Complex sentences Глава 24 Expand Который Когда? with months, weeks, years Comparatives